Running Injuries

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The Running Doctor

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Runners Knee Injuries

Usual symptoms of this running injury include pain directly under the kneecap, or the surrounding area. Climbing or descending stairs may be painful. Usually the running injury responds well with biomechanical evaluation and an orthotic, when indicated.

Heel / Arch Pain

Common type of runners injury - varies from a slight tightness in the bottom of the foot to an intense heel pain that may worsen when getting out of bed in the morning. An X-ray will sometimes reveal the running injury as a "heel spur" on the bottom of the heel. This is usually due to an overpronation problem that will respond well to the use of a runners orthotic. (Orthotics can be used to prevent a large number of running injuries.)

Runners Ilio-Tibial Band Syndrome

This running injury can manifest itself anywhere along the entire length of this highly fibrous connective tissue. It runs from along the hip to the knee. At its worst, pain can be very intense at either the outside of the hip to the outside of the knee. A complete biomechanical evaluation, foot to hip, is needed to diagnose the problem and prevent further running injury. Stretching can aggravate a running injury of this type.

Shin Splints

This running injury often causes pain along either side of the lower leg. Symptoms vary greatly from dull tightness to a painful area along the lower leg. Injuries have a higher incidence of occurrence in athletes starting a new running or aerobic program. Many cases of this type of running injury will resolve on their own. If not, consult a Sports Medicine Injury Specialist. Orthotics may be necessary.

Achilles Tendonitis

Inflammation of the tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel. Can be stiff at the beginning of a run and feel better during the workout. Pain varies from dull ache to acute, knife-like pain. Treatment should include sports massage to the calf muscle. The worst running injuries may require surgery. Check running shoes for excessive wear.

Stress Fractures

Usually located in either the lower leg (tibia) or one of the metatarsals (toes), the 2nd and 3rd toes being the most common. This type of running injury can be difficult to diagnose in its early stages and can be confused with shin splints. Healing usually requires six to eight weeks of rest.


Keith Jeffers D.C.

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